:yourock:You just gotta love these two ladies.
Helen: "...Speaking of problems I wish we could solve…What are we going to do with all these illegal immigrants coming into our country uninvited? The nerve, I tell you. The very nerve of it just gets to me. The idea that those Mexicans would come here in hopes of earning money to send to their families back home is just too much to bear. Before you know it, they’ll want to build a military base. I mean can you imagine if those Mexicans were to start arriving inside tanks rather than inside trunks. Imagine if they start taking our land rather than our landscaping jobs. The very thought just makes me want to blow something up…"
Margaret: "Oh Helen, dear, I wish I could help you with your problems, but I can’t. We don’t have Mexicans in Maine. Now, French Canadians are a whole other matter. You can’t swing my neighbor’s cat without hitting seven or eight of those people. Not to bother, Helen, we take all kinds here in Maine. Mexican, French Canadian, Asian, even a Korean or two. We don’t care. They are all welcome. We are even going to make the gays legal! God Bless America."