Edited on Thu May-14-09 12:50 PM by KittyWampus
Numerous DU'ers are trying to point out that releasing those photos now will result in OBAMA being associated with them.
It won't help prosecute Cheney. In fact, releasing them now is probably what Cheney wants because the resulting media firestorm over Obama supposedly endangering the troops will permanently cause OBAMA to be associated with them.
One can absolutely count on the Media giving Rove, Cheney and the NeoCons at least an entire week of non-stop trashing Obama for those photos. There will be little or no mention of Cheney. It won't matter how or why those photos were even taken.
And DU'ers who think otherwise live in an alternative universe where the Left and Democrats have any control over the Media.
The goal is to put Cheney's face in the news with those photos and not Obama's.
Apparently those who want immediate release haven't paid attention to the Mediawhores for the last several decades.
The only way releasing those photos will result in Cheney being held accountable for torture is if its done in a controlled and timed maneuver.
Where it's all about CHENEY.