This OP is meant to remind you that, although the Swine Flu turned out to be a big nothing, it is important to remember that:
Fear is being used to control you. The dynamics in the US are so clearly based on controlling people through fear. Take a trip to (most) other countries and live their for a while and then come back. It will be as plain as day if it isn't already. The Swine Flu one just another example that speaks much more about the culture we live in than it does about real dangers. The Swine Flu speaks to where our minds, our concentration, our CONSCIOUSNESS is.
We must reclaim freedom from fear before we can re-establish control over our lives. We must grow up. If we fear, the terrorists win. Remember that.
Important disclaimer: I am not saying there is no danger from mass outbreaks of disease. The point I am making goes far beyond that, so please do not pick nits. This OP is about Fear. The "Swine Flue" like the "Bird Flu", Mumps outbreaks, and many other examples, including "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here."