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House war funding bill clears (anti-occupation) hurdle

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bigtree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 02:57 PM
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House war funding bill clears (anti-occupation) hurdle
May 14, 2009

The nearly $97 billion measure is opposed by anti-war Democrats and conservatives wary of the bill’s price tag. For very different reasons, some members of those factions voted against the rule that brings the bill to the floor. But enough members of both parties opted to back the procedural motion. The motion passed 247-178.

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CODEPINK Calls on House to Vote 'No' on $94.2 Billion War Supplemental

CODEPINK Women for Peace calls on the House today to vote down Pres. Obama's request for an additional $94.2 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a supplemental that will further destabilize the Middle East and Central Asia, threaten worldwide security and drain billions of tax-payer dollars at a time of sky-high unemployment and economic crisis.

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BeHereNow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 03:00 PM
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1. I watched the farce for a while- finally had to turn the TV off or throw it out the window.
The whole damned country is falling apart; education, healthcare, ALL
safety nets for those who need them the most, while these mother fuckers
keep dumping money we don't have in the first place into the MIC share holder pockets.

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