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Anyone else starting to wonder if the CIA committed a bloodless coup here while Bush was in office?

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:25 PM
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Anyone else starting to wonder if the CIA committed a bloodless coup here while Bush was in office?
Its almost as if Cheney is still running this country and calling the shots.

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wiggs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:26 PM
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1. Remember, they purged the cia of non-believers. nt
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The Hope Mobile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. YUP! I think about that everyday! Not to mention he still has an office
Edited on Thu May-14-09 06:43 PM by The Hope Mobile
there and lives around the corner. Puh-leeze! He probably has a secret bunker with a tunnel leading straight from his house.
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polichick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:26 PM
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2. So Obama is the front man, the pretty face, the faux hero??? :)
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cali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:28 PM
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3. it's not like cheney is still running this country
your entire premise is deeply flawed.
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azul Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. He was the front man for the corporate and military bosses.
Like a sock-puppet that you love to hate, deflecting attention away from the string-pullers on the mad mission of endless war.

They are making him jump about again, and the media seems to think it's really news-worthy and entertaining.
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cali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 07:17 PM
Response to Reply #7
14. word salad, so whatever.
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Chemical Bill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:37 PM
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4. Long before that.
Plenty of blood. JFK, RFK, MLK, witnesses to above, drug overdoses due to CIA drug running, etc. Do people overseas count, like in Chile? Oh, and it is more some in Wall Street with some in the CIA doing the grunt work. Cheney is Wall Street more than CIA.

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ShortnFiery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:37 PM
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5. That notion is chilling.
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The Hope Mobile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:48 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. And looking more and more credible. The only thing that makes me
Edited on Thu May-14-09 06:49 PM by The Hope Mobile
optimistic and worry at the same time is that he is clearly nervous about torture investigations which means he thinks he might be in trouble. At the same time, that means he is getting inside information which he should not be at all. He knew that he was going to have his long, bony, evil "finger in the pie" after he got out of office and I think he thought that would save his fat, disgusting ass which is why he was so eerily smug for so long but he underestimated Obama I think. He's going to throw everything he's got at them but hopefully in the long run he'll still go down.

Its all a big shadow chess game most of which will never see the light of day.
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kywildcat Donating Member (529 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:46 PM
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8. I believe the CIA is/was far more faithful to
Bush Sr. than to Cheney. Remember-Plame, Walter Reed, Halliburton, the politization of the DoJ and a host of other issues that would probably not have seen the light of day without internal people 'leaking'. Cheney ran a tight ship=things did not get out that Cheney and crew were not able to immediately spin or squash. I think Cheney's vilification of the CIA - blaming them for the intelligence failure and for Iraq pissed off some extremely highly placed people.
The shrub hasn't the capacity to understand the damage he created-to this country, to the world, or to the Bush family legecy. Poppy on the other hand watched Cheney anihilate the Bush name and legecy-probably perminently. I think what we're seeing is not a battle between Cheney and President Obama, but between Cheney and Bush Sr. Bush Sr. has more to lose here than people are willing to acknowledge. And for as nasty as Cheney fights, Bush Sr. (and certainly the old gaurd who surrounds him) fight nastier.
Sit back and watch-this is going to be fun.
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wuvuj Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:48 PM
Response to Original message
9. OWNED....PERIOD....

Pentagon’s Black Budget Grows to More Than $50 Billion

By Noah Shachtman

May 08, 2009 "Wired" -- - The Pentagon wants to spend just over $50 billion on classified programs next year, newly-released Defense Department budget documents reveal. “That’s the largest-ever sum,” according to Aviation Week’s Bill Sweetman, a longtime black-budget seer — a three percent increase over last year’s total.

It makes the Pentagon’s secret operations, including the intelligence budgets nested inside, “roughly equal in magnitude to the entire defense budgets of the UK, France or Japan,” Sweetman adds. All in all, about seven and a half percent of the Defense Department’s total spending is now classified.

Black-world weapons-buying “remains dominated by the single line item,” according to Sweetman. (You can find it under the Air Force’s “other procurement” section, on page F-21 here.) “This year’s number stands just above $16 billion. In inflation-adjusted terms, that’s 240 per cent more than it was ten years ago.”

Many of the secret budgets still remain clandestine, however. In the research budget, the line item for a “Special Program”of the super-secret National Security Agency is a string of zeros. Same goes for an NSA “Cyber Security Initiative” kitty. And don’t even ask about NSA’s “Intelligence Support to Information Operations” account. That’s a blank slate, too.

Some other fun facts, buried in the Pentagon’s just-released budget docs:

* Money for “Directed Energy Technology” — real-life ray gun research — jumps from $62.7 million last year to $105.7 million in 2010.
* Cash for “Prompt Global Strike Capability Development” — weapons that can hit anywhere on the planet, in just a few hours — jumps from $74.1 million to $166.9 million.
* The high-flying Global Hawk drones get an an extra $486.8 million.
* The Office of the Secretary of Defense is pushing $75 million in new alt-fuel and alt-power projects — from “Landfill Gas Energy Capture” to a “Tactical, Deployable Micro-Grid.”
* The Maui Space Surveillance System gets a major downgrade, from $36.3 million to a mere $5.8 million. Aloha, space-watchers!

UPDATE:CQ’s Tim Starks reports that “the budget would also allocate an unspecified amount to the new ‘Imagery Satellite Way Ahead‘ program, a joint effort between the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Defense designed to revamp the nation’s constellation of spy satellites.”

The mostly classified plan would include new, redesigned “electro-optical” satellites, which collect data from across the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as the expanded use of commercial satellite imagery. Although the cost is secret, most estimates place it in the multibillion-dollar range.
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Laelth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:49 PM
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11. I thought that happened in 1963?
Oh, wait. There was some blood involved in that one.



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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 06:51 PM
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12. HIs office and his home are in McLean, VA, aka Langley
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 07:14 PM
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13. I'm sure he's got some heavy hitters..
in the Defense/Energy Industries that have his back. How many Private Military Corporations/Intelligence agencies are there anyway, and who do they work for?
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dixiegrrrrl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-14-09 08:30 PM
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15. STARTING to wonder?
This has been a topic of open dicussion for several years.
Even KO said it.
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