Edited on Sat May-16-09 12:11 PM by truedelphi
Now that the cat is out of the bag, and more and more people realize the built in loopholes written into the 1,000 page 700 billion dollar Bailout of last October, and that from those loopholes NINE TRILLION dollars passed over to Wall Street, perhaps we can all relax because surely that much money is being carefully watched over. Right?
Not if this is true... www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXlxBeAvsB8
To put NINE TRILLION dollars into perspective, let me mention this: like many other states, California is facing a major budget catastrophe of a 16 billion shortfall.
Sixteen billion is one fifth of one percent of nine trillion dollars.
So I guess knowing that Ahnold might go to the Fed or to Treasury and ask for a nine billion dollar loan should not piss me off. Right?