May 15, 2009
UCLA Settles With Student Who Sued After Being Hit With a Stun Gun
A UCLA student who sued the university after being stunned by a Taser gun in a campus library three years ago has agreed to settle the case on undisclosed terms, the university announced today.
The student, Mostafa Tabatabainejad, was repeatedly shocked in November 2006 with a Taser by campus police officers after refusing to show his student identification card in a computer lab at a campus library. A YouTube video of the incident sparked student protest, and Mr. Tabatabainejad, who is Iranian-American and bipolar, later sued the university, accusing the police of racial discrimination and of violating the Americans With Disabilities Act.
An independent investigation concluded that the police had used excessive force and poor judgment in their efforts to control Mr. Tabatabainejad. But an internal investigation came to the opposite conclusion, finding that the officers had not violated any policies and would not be disciplined.
In a statement, UCLA said today that the two parties would not comment on any details of the settlement, except to say that it resolved the matter “in a way that will allow this student to complete his UCLA degree and move forward with his career.”