How have we been Tricked, Hoodwinked, Deceived?
Because the FOUNDING FATHERS wanted all the INTEREST MONEY on ALL the LOANS that have ever been made in America in the past, present and future should according to the the CONSTITUTION of America have gone to the government of America.
Sounds FANTASTIC but it is true.
Where is this in the Constitution?
Section 8. The Congress shall have power . . . To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures . . .
But every time you use your credit card or every time someone in America receives a loan from a bank, the banks are CREATING MONEY out of thin air but the founding father's and the constitution say that:
Section 8. The Congress shall have power . . . To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures . . .
Just think of all the taxes that could be eliminate if all the interest on all the home loans, care loans, college loans, and every business loan to finance a business project and every loan you can imagine went to the government of the U.S. Well that is what the founding fathers wanted. Yes, believe it or not.
With that kind of money going to the government we could get rid of college loans, have free college eduction, free health care, etc, etc, etc.
Want to learn more? Go here: book will CHANGE your world view FOREVER! ! !