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Insane press release of the day: 'Truth is Hate to Those Who Hate the Truth'

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 09:49 AM
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Insane press release of the day: 'Truth is Hate to Those Who Hate the Truth'
On Monday, May 18th, 9AM to 4PM, Christian leaders from across the nation will speak against the Senate "Hate Crimes" bill (S.909) at our nation's Capital, Supreme Court and White House.
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, Director of Elijah Ministries states, "Homosexuals came out of the closet and are using the coercive force of civil government to force Christianity into one. America will learn the hard way that you cannot make straight what God has called crooked or tolerate what God deems intolerable or turn moral wrongs into civil rights and thrive as a people. S.909 promotes governmental hatred towards God, saving faith, family, and freedom and makes the church of Jesus Christ guilty as heaven and sexual deviants innocent as hell!"

"The decriminalization of child-killing (abortion) brought about the criminalization of those who would oppose it and the decriminalization of homosexuality brought about the criminalization of those who would oppose it. Now we have the S.909 bill, which expressly forbids any language that might be perceived as 'hate' by the homosexual community. If we do not act decisively at this time, S.909 will make illegal every word in the Bible describing the destruction wrought by this vile behavior, and prepare the way for total censorship of the Gospel of Christ. Our children will pay a horrible price for our cowardice." Rev. Flip Benham, National Director, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America

The burns. Another whaco in Waco.

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Vickers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 09:52 AM
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1. That guy blames global warming on homosexuality and abortion.
I shit you not...look over his site.


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classof56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 10:08 AM
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2. Yeah, and Christ's love abounds...Not.
This ugly rhetoric is one reason I no quit attending a fundie church several years ago. Have since read Bart Ehrmann's books and have pretty much signed on to the fact that everything I believed for almost 70 years is in fact not true. Used to think the truth could set us free. For me, I guess it finally has. If Rusty Lee Thomas and his ilk got what they deserve, God would give 'em a giant smackdown. Now that I'm what you'd call an agnostic, I understand why that doesn't happen, and didn't happen to Bush all those years he declared his allegiance to his most admired political hero, his lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I'm sickened by all the harm these hate-mongerers have caused, but no longer expend much energy raging against them. If there's no such thing as justice, I'm hoping there could be karma one of these days. But not holding my breath.

Didn't know about tomorrow's "Day of Hate." Thanks for posting.
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east texas lib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 10:29 AM
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3. Thomas is apparently confused and has become God in his own mind...
He is now the Way and the Light. His Will Be Done.;-)
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donco6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 10:32 AM
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4. The Fist of Fire! God's Love in Action!
I repeat . . . megabarf.
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spanone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 10:34 AM
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5. and these are the bastards that are subsidized by our not paying taxes
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