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Liz Cheney Won't Deny Her Father Suggested Questions On Iraq-Qaeda Ties

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deminks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 06:14 PM
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Liz Cheney Won't Deny Her Father Suggested Questions On Iraq-Qaeda Ties

In an appearance on ABC's This Week today, Liz Cheney employed a classic non-denial denial when asked about a report her father's office pressured interrogators to use torture to find evidence of Iraq-Qaeda links.

George Stephanopolous asked Liz Cheney about a Daily Beast piece reporting that the vice president's office in 2003 suggested interrogators waterboard an Iraqi detainee who was suspected of having knowledge of a link between Iraq and al Qaeda.

Asked specifically by Stephanopolous if she would deny "that the vice president's office did ask specifically to have information about Iraq-al Qaeda connections presented to this detainee," Cheney offered this muddled response:

I think that it's important for us to have all the facts out. And and, the first and most important fact is that the vice president has been absolutely clear that he supported this program, this was an important program, it saved American lives. Now, the way this policy worked internally was once the policy was determined and decided, the CIA, you know, made the judgments about how each individual detainee would be treated. And the Vice President would not substitute his own judgment for the professional judgment of the CIA.

(end snip)

Video at the link

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Phoebe Loosinhouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 06:29 PM
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1. So she didn't answer the question. This is the single most damning fact to come out about Cheney
That he in essence sent over a script or a confession to be tortured out of someone finally giving him the longed for but non-existent link between Sadaam and Al Qaida.

This is criminal and evil on so many levels that I can't begin to count them.
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