most riveting passage in retired Army Gen. Colin Powell's conversation with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow -- Aries, both, the interviewer noted -- involves what the former secretary of state knew about the interrogation of suspected terrorists on his watch.
There were regular "principal's meetings,'' our former colleague, Jan Crawford Greenberg, of ABC News now, first reported of the Bush administration's consultations on the conduct of interrogation. This included conferences of several of the highest-level members of the Bush administration, including Powell.
"There was no meeting on torture,'' Powell told Maddow of those meetings, and they did not conduct "play by play'' discussions of the techniques being used on some of the highest-value targets,-- at least not in the meetings that he attended.
Powell maintains that it was always his position in those sessions that any interrogation must adhere to the strictures of the Geneva Convention. But he also allows that the full story of this saga remains to be told, and may be revealed some day in "the written record'' of those meetings.
" It is constantly said that the meetings - I had an issue with this - we had meetings on what torture to administer,'' Powell says. "The only meetings I recall were where we talked about what is it we can do with respect to trying to get information from individuals who were in our custody.''
As for that question of "torture,'' he maintained, "It is a legal issue, and I think we have to be very careful and I have to be very careful, because I don't want to be seen as implicating anybody or accusing anybody because I don't have the complete record on this. And that complete record I think in due course will come out.''
Let's see those records. Now.