Baby steps... sigh."Gregoire set to OK more domestic partner rights
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire is set to sign into law a measure that would expand the state's domestic partnership law to include "everything but marriage." The bill would give additional spousal rights and benefits to domestic partners, including same-sex couples and unmarried senior heterosexual couples, in various areas of state law.
Among them:
-The right to use sick leave to care for a domestic partner.
-The right to wages and benefits when a domestic partner is injured, and to unpaid wages upon the death of a domestic partner.
-The right to unemployment and disability insurance benefits.
-The right to workers' compensation coverage.
-Insurance rights, including rights under group policies, policy rights after the death of a domestic partner, conversion rights and continuing coverage rights.
-Rights related to adoption, child custody and child support.
-Business succession rights."
Too bad it's not all the way, of course, but it is significant nevertheless. At least I'm confident that WA will NOT be the last state to recognize gay marriage. woot!