This is so disturbing. Who was at the top of the command for this procedure? Who implemented it?
They should be put on the fast track out of the service.
This is beyond barbaric, it's sadistic. It's ignorant and it fails to honor the value of any soldier
who needs help. They wouldn't mock someone with a bullet wound?
Back in the day, the WWII day, our great General George Patton visited an Army hospital. When he met
a soldier in for combat fatigue/shell shock, he smacked him and said he had no excuse to be in care.
Here's what happened:
"When asked what his trouble was, the man replied, "It's my nerves," and he began to sob. The General then screamed at him, "What did you say?" The man replied, "It's my nerves, I can't stand the shelling anymore." He was still sobbing. The General then yelled at him, "Your nerves, hell; you are just a Goddamned coward, you yellow son of a bitch." He then slapped the man and said, "Shut up that Goddamned crying. I won't have these brave men here who have been shot at seeing a yellow bastard sitting here crying." He then struck the man again, knocking his helmet liner off and into the next tent. He then turned to the admitting officer and yelled, "Don't admit this yellow bastard; there's nothing the matter with him. I won't have the hospitals cluttered up with these sons of bitches who haven't got the guts to fight." He then turned to the man again, who was managing to sit at attention though shaking all over and said, "You're going back to the front lines and you may get shot and killed, but you're going to fight. If you don't, I'll stand you up against a wall and have a firing squad kill you on purpose. In fact," he said, reaching for his pistol, "I ought to shoot you myself, you Goddamned whimpering coward." As he left the tent, the general was still yelling back to the receiving officer to send that yellow son of a bitch back to the front line" here's the difference between then and now.
Patton's commander, General Eisenhower heard of the incident. Here's what he wrote to Patton:
"On August 17, 1943, General F.A. Blesse, the Chief Surgeon at AFHQ brought to General Patton a letter from Eisenhower. It read, "I am attaching a report which is shocking in it's allegations against your personal conduct. I hope you can assure me that none of them is true; but the detailed circumstances communicated to me lead to the belief that some ground for the charges must exist. I am well aware of the necessity for hardness and toughness on the battle field. I clearly understand that firm and drastic measures are at times necessary in order to secure the desired objectives. But this does not excuse brutality, abuse of the "sick"**, nor exhibition of uncontrollable temper in front of subordinates." was forced to make a public apology in front of his troops. He continued his command and helped win the war
but even with all of his talent, he was not allowed to be abusive.
Today, we've regressed and these medieval folks in charge are lowering standards and inflicting punishment for
people honest enough to seek help for a real illness.