One trip other than for a ceremony or award program would be unprecedented. What in hades were they doing there?
From the transcript:
NARRATOR: Many members of the CIA believed the vice president himself was determined to control the content of the NIE. The vice president and his chief of staff, Scooter Libby, had made about 10 trips to CIA headquarters, where they personally questioned analysts.
MELVIN GOODMAN: I was at the CIA for 24 years. The only time a vice president came to the CIA building was for a ceremony, to cut a ribbon, to stand on the stage, but not to harangue analysts about finished intelligence.
PATRICK W. LANG: Many, many of them have told me they were pressured. And there are a lot of ways pressure takes a lot of forms.
PAUL PILLAR, National Intel. Officer 2000-05: The questions every morning, the tasks, the requests to look into this angle one more time, turn over that rock again. If you didn't find anything last week, look again to see if there's something there for that about that connection.
VINCENT CANNISTRARO: So you start looking very hard for anything at all that will support the answer that the vice president wants, that the Defense Department wants.
(end snip)
'You start looking very hard for what the VP wants.'
edited for spelling