The American plutocracy has American public opinion wrapped around its little finger. This deal with the Devil has been going on for nearly a century. If I pointed at the most devastating examples of these abyssal depths, most American readers would consider I have lost all respectability, and would stop reading. (Examples are on
The latest US propaganda aims at preserving the bread and butter of the US plutocracy, a worldwide financial system greatly resting on lies, tax heavens and other hidden exploitation schemes. Although the American People has been compliant so far, the Europeans have had enough. The European Union has a social charter. The EU is not a plutocracy, but a democracy, by law. So the EU wants strong regulations for finance. The plutocracy of the USA knows this, and has started an intense propaganda campaign to prevent the EU to crack down. A smear campaign against the core of Europe is part of it. Top editorialists are apparently being recruited to howl an anti-European message.