Edited on Wed May-20-09 05:02 PM by Gabi Hayes
Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Single-Bullet Theory (or Magic-Bullet Theory, as it is commonly called by ... staffer Arlen Specter (now a U.S. Senator), posits that a single bullet, ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_bullet_theory - 138k - Cached - Similar pages
The Truth About Arlen Spectermagic bullet theory. While Specter managed to sell his "single bullet theory" to the Warren Commission, he had trouble selling it to the American public. ... www.geocities.com/justicewell/specter.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Doc 40: SPECTER'S MAGIC BULLETSPECTER'S MAGIC BULLET. As Senator Arlen Specter changes side from the Republican to Democrat, and moves President Obama closer to an absolute majority in ... doc40.blogspot.com/2009/04/specters-magic-bullet.html - 145k - Cached - Similar pages
Video results for specter magic bullet The Foolishness of the Single Bullet Theory 2 min 31 sec www.youtube.com
40 years on, Arlen Specter and Cyril Wecht still don't agree how ...Nov 16, 2003 ... One of the grossest lies ever forced on the American people, we've come to know it as the 'magic bullet theory.' " In his book, Specter said ... www.post-gazette.com/localnews/20031116jfk1116p3.asp - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
Sen. Arlen Spector Confronted on Magic Bullet TheoryApr 8, 2008 ... Senator Arlen Specter answered queries from We Are Change reporters regarding the magic (single) bullet theory he authored in light of ... www.jonesreport.com/article/04_08/08spector.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
Elections 2010 Examiner: Specter's Magic BulletSpecter's Magic Bullet by local Elections 2010 Examiner expert, Tony Campbell. www.examiner.com/x-367-Elections-2010-Examiner~y2009m2d11-Specters-Magic-Bullet - 89k - Cached - Similar pages
The Foolishness of Arlen Specter's 'Magic Bullet Theory'Apr 29, 2009 ... Specter's 'Magic Bullet Theory' (video 2:31). I remember an official story of Kennedy's head flopping backwards being that the cranial hit ... www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2240918/posts - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
Sonoran Alliance » Specter's Magic Bullet: Rino Tastes Just Like PorkYou do know that Specter is the developer of the Magic Bullet theory of the President Kennedy assassination? Well this week, Mr. Specter hit ... sonoranalliance.com/?p=3754 - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
Is Arlen Specter the Democrats' Magic Bullet? | | AlterNetMay 1, 2009 ... As counsel for the Warren Commission, Arlen Specter described a "magic bullet" that changed America. Four decades later as a U.S. Senator, ... www.alternet.org/story/139257/is_arlen_specter_the_democrats'_magic_bullet/ - 62k - Cached - Similar pages