All I can figure is that the Republicans must want Nancy Pelosi to remain as Speaker of the House. Surely they know well enough that rolling out Gingrich and company to blast her will only harden the resolve of Congressional Democrats and Party activists to stand by her side. It's all common sense and basic human and political nature.
I have personally blasted Pelosi plenty and have advocated for her departure as Speaker since something fell off the table. But not right now. I just can't continue to demand she leave if it means that the insane right will get the political credit and use it to harm us all. It pains me to say this, but now she needs to stay, at least for a while. Damn that Newt Gingrich.
But I wonder, is this exactly what they want? Frankly I don't see what the neo-cons and right-wing freaks have to be concerned about in Nancy Pelosi. They could scarcely have imagined a more compliant and hapless adversary in recent years. From no impeachment to no torture inquiry, she has been their dream come true. Any change would likely be for the worse.
Some may suggest they are just too stupid to understand reverse psychology. Could be. After all, it's hard to underestimate the sheer stupidity of the Republicans. Myths about Rovian genius aside, these are largely simple-minded clowns.
Or, then again, maybe they want us stuck with her for a while longer. If so, then nice job guys, it looks like we are.
Fucking Gingrich.