I thing the GOP should continue to look like middle school bulllies. But they have decided to not look like the morons they are.
WASHINGTON – Republicans on Wednesday abandoned an effort to label their opponents the "Democrat Socialist Party," ending a fight within the GOP ranks that reflected the divide between those who want a more centrist message and those seeking a more aggressive, conservative voice.
Supporters of the resolution asking the Democratic Party to change its name instead agreed to accept language urging Americans to call on Democrats to "stop pushing our country towards socialism and government control."
The initial name-changing resolution had drawn criticism from Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. Other party leaders called the idea "stupid" and "absurd," saying it made Republicans look petty during a troubling time for the nation.
The Democratic National Committee said the proposal reflected a political party so devoid of ideas that it was resorting to "name calling" and "petty politics."