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Political Bites: It's Rush against the world

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unblock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 06:46 PM
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Political Bites: It's Rush against the world
Source: yahoo!news

It's been a confrontational week in politics — gauntlets thrown down, threats issued, dueling speeches — and it's only Wednesday.

Don't say it: Conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has issued a unique challenge to cable network MSNBC. On his radio show Tuesday, the ever-modest Limbaugh said that the cable network is trying to "build its ratings on my back." From his website:

"I challenge you, MSNBC! Thirty days without anything mentioning me. No video of me, no guests commenting on me. See if you can do it ... Let's see if you can do Rush withdrawal. Let's see if you can run your little TV network for 30 days without doing a single story on me, and then let's take a look at your ratings during those 30 days and see what happens.

Since the election, Limbaugh has emerged as the defacto "voice" of the GOP — or at least, the loudest one. In January, Limbaugh made his infamous "I hope Obama fails" comment, and was featured in a Vanity Fair article titled "The Man Who Ate the GOP." Earlier this month, Limbaugh took aim at former Secretary of State Colin Powell, telling him to "become a Democrat, instead of claiming to be a Republican." Cheney joined the fray, remarking (on Limbaugh's radio show, of all places):


Our prediction: A draw. If MSNBC takes Limbaugh's challenge, everyone will be watching the "little TV network" to see if it's keeping its promise; ratings will rise and both sides will get a whole lot of free publicity. Done and done.

Read more:

thin-skinned rush can't take the heat -- tells msnbc to quit talking about him!
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rpannier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 06:51 PM
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1. I wouldn't do it if I was MSNBC
He makes such vile comments on his show
People are entitled to know what he says without having to suffer through listening to his whole show
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kiranon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 06:56 PM
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2. Just refer to "He whose name shall not be spoken."
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unblock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. or "he who can't stand the heat"
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Born Free Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 07:02 PM
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4. MSNBC making progress
The right will rant and rave but are concerned that more and more moderate people are finding more accurate information on MSNBC. Each challenge, each rant helps spread the word and as more people check out MSNBC, the better the ratings are for MSNBC. I think MSNBC should go on doing as they are.
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riverdeep Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:19 PM
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5. "The Man Who Ate the GOP"!
Looks like it, too. And when you have the guts to go through Oxycontin withdrawals, then come back to me.
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