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In Defense of George W. Bush

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JohnyCanuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:17 PM
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In Defense of George W. Bush

The American Way: In Defense of George W. Bush

If George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and other principals of the previous administration were ever brought to trial for war crimes, I would offer my services, in all sincerity, to their defense. For I think they would have a strong case to make, one that would be of vital, perhaps decisive importance for the future of the nation -- and the world.


II. In Defense of George W. Bush
Faced with prosecution for their admitted deeds, the principals of the Bush Administration would have only one defense: precedent. They would have to show that their actions had been accepted practice in American government for many, many years -- from the very beginning, in fact -- and had never been regarded as prosecutable offenses before. To imprison them now -- or even execute them -- for carrying on the standard policies and practices of bipartisan governance stretching back for generations would surely constitute cruel and unusual punishment. It would be selective prosecution. It would be nothing less than the "criminalization of political differences" -- for the historical record clearly shows that aggression and torture have always been treated in the American system as political implements, tools of political policy, and not as criminal matters.


It is here that I would want to contribute to the defense. I would gladly act as a lowly researcher for them, sifting through the accumulation of historical fact and insightful analysis provided over the years by such noted writers as Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Arthur Silber, Alfred McCoy, Richard Seymour, Fred Anderson and Andrew Clayton, and far too many more to mention. And beyond these overviews and works of synthesis, there are the innumerable, highly detailed articles, studies, monographs, and full-scale scholarly works produced by historians in every field of specialty: political, economic, legal, cultural, military, and so on.

A war crimes trial of George Bush, Dick Cheney and their chief minions would be a public spectacle of perhaps unprecedented scope. Millions of people all over the world would be riveted to it every day; the American public especially would be hanging on its every word. To mount such a defense, on such a powerful platform, would devastate the myth of American exceptionalism like nothing else imaginable. Horrific atrocity, brutal arrogance, deadly ignorance -- again, by both direct and collateral hand -- would all be brought into the glaring light. The principle of violent domination -- continuous, accepted, celebrated, legitimized, institutionalized -- would stand revealed as a core value, if not the core value, of the American way.

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:20 PM
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1. Oh boy. Good old Chris Floyd. Slams Obama constantly, but comes
up with this tripe (including the title) to defend the war criminals.

Floyd isn't fooling anyone, this is the typical shit always pulled by left fucking wingnuts.

Precedent my ass. Let's set a new one, in compliance with the law, and prosecute these assholes.

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Tierra_y_Libertad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:24 PM
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2. All too true...unfortunately. K&R
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SpiralHawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:24 PM
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3. "Smirk." - xCommander AWOL & xVP Dickie 'Five-Military-Deferments' Cheney
Edited on Wed May-20-09 08:25 PM by SpiralHawk
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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:37 PM
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4. Okay
Perhaps I'm being entirely clueless here, but there is something I have trouble with. Clinton was disbarred for a single instance of perjury. Imbecile Bush and Dickhead more than made up for that lie with thousands of their own, and yet, there is speculation by many people that they (Bush and Dickhead) will never have to pay for their crimes. WTF is going on? Why the double standard?

Clinton's administration brought excellent economic prosperity, while Bush's brought the country to its knees with the worst economic status since the Great Depression. Bush and Dickhead brought us war in Afghanistan and a preemptive strike in Iraq. They lined their own pockets with as much as they could, and made sure that their cronies took care of dozens, if not hundreds of no-bid contracts. Over the span of 8 years, the repugs pillaged the United States of America and left what they couldn't take to be squandered by leeches and greedy bastards.

So, we now see all these repugs and their crimes in a situation where no one is going to be punished?

There are SO many things wrong with this country, and no one is calling for discipline or punishment of those who fucked this country to the point of forcefully raping it. Are we supposed to live with what's been left? Are we supposed to accept this disparity? Mother of Christ, I hope we don't leave it at the point it's at now, though I suspect we probably will have to.
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 08:51 PM
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5. The American Way IS the principle of violent domination.
Examples abound from Wounded Knee to Hiroshima, from Dallas to Baghdad and all points in-between and east, west, north and south.
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Raster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-21-09 06:19 AM
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6. Here's how America can get out of our financial straights:
Televise the bush*/cheney*/rice*/rumsferatu* war crimes trials on prime time national television. License the worldwide broadcast rights to the highest bidders. Sell advertising spots during testimonies and deliberations much like the Super Bowl and its landmark commercials. We could take it a step further and allow American Idol-style voting, charging people to vote for their favorite felon. We could perhaps add a Jeopardy-esque element. "I'll take puppet regimes for a thousand, Alex," sneers cheney*. Turn our national shame into Our National Game! Drape the set in red, white and blue bunting...
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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-21-09 06:32 AM
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7. We are supposed to learn from past mistakes
I heard a similar defense on Fox n Friends as well as in our sunday paper. They cited habeas corpus and Lincoln, detention centers and FDR, the bombs and Truman this seems to be widespread amongst them already.
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