Controversial, Barnum-esque radio host Michael Savage lashed out at fellow right-winger Rush Limbaugh over Rush's failure to come to his defense over his banishment from the UK. HuffPo has the transcript:(audio at Media Matters)
SAVAGE: And yet here in America, I've had some people come to my aid. They see the bigger picture. They're not like
O'Reilly; they're not like Limbaugh, who's the biggest disappointment of all. Limbaugh has turned out to be the biggest phony of all of them, all of them. Amongst all of them, he is the biggest fraud. Rush Limbaugh is a fraud. When he was accused of the drug usage, I supported him. But that man is a one-way street. It's all about him. He's in it for nobody but himself.
It's almost adorable that Savage is so crestfallen, so "Say it ain't so, Rush!" over Limbaugh's failure to ride to his rescue. What Limbaugh/O'Reilly kum ba yah moments has Savage witnessed to raise these expectations in him? O'Reilly's comforting statements for the families of rape/murder victims? Maybe one of Rush's greatest hits?