He really does speak up about the public Medicare like option, and he reminds constantly that it was Obama's plan. That we need to stick with it.
Howard Dean touts Obama health-care plan in Kalamazoo speechJonathon Gruenke | Kalamazoo GazetteFormer Democratic Party chief and presidential candidate Howard Dean speaks during a scholarship fundraiser for the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Foundation.Throw out the traditional political textbooks. Former Democratic presidential candidate and past Democratic Party chief Howard Dean says 2008's election of Barack Obama as president represented an "earthquake" in American politics. Dean, keynote speaker Wednesday at a scholarship fundraiser for the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Foundation, also expressed strong support for Obama's national health-care proposal, calling it the "best thing" proposed since the Truman administration.
..."On the health-care front, Dean said Obama's proposal would allow people to keep the private insurance they have now, but it also offers a public plan, paid for by taxpayers, to extend coverage to all others.
Dean, who is a physician, contended government is "more efficient" than the private insurance industry in administering coverage. But he said medicine's private sector is "more innovative."
The top Democrat did not address the cost of a national heath-care plan, however, and its potential impact on already record federal deficits.
Dean said any health-care plan will have to include "personal responsibility" that could range from penalties for unhealthy lifestyles to end-of-life directives.
"Most of the cost in health care is for the last four months of life," he said. "We're not going to pull the plug on people. But if we can get families together with the health professionals and talk about prognosis, most people will do the right thing. ... We do a lot of things to people (who are dying) that they wouldn't want done if they could say so."
Also today there was a BioTech conference in Atlanta where Dean and Tom Daschle appeared with Bill Frist and of all people Karl Rove (hate it when Democrats give him credibility). Not sure how Dean made it to both places.
Dean and Daschle defended the public option while Rove did not. Rove was too busy insulting the state of Vermont by calling it "dinky". Snide little man.
Debating health care at BioTech conference.Republicans Karl Rove, a former top adviser to President George W. Bush, and ex-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist warned that a public health care plan could have a huge price tag and quash private-sector innovation.
But former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and 1-time Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said a public plan could help bring down costs and insure more Americans. Dean proposed a 10 cent carbon tax on gasoline to pay for the costly overhaul, expected to cost at least $1.2 trillion.
The four debated the virtues of government-run health care at the 2009 BIO International Conference in Atlanta on Wednesday.
..."Sparks flew at one point Wednesday as Rove jokingly referred to Dean's home state of Vermont as "dinky," smaller than some ranches in his own state of Texas.
Maybe someday Democrats will refuse to appear with the nasty little man. Fingers crossed.