The far left freaks (according to the MSM) or the Obama haters (according to some on DU) or people that actually care about the Constitution and human rights without exception:
Watch CCR Executive Director Vincent Warren on The Rachel Maddow Show live tonight on MSNBC at 9:00pm EST. After meeting with President Obama at the White House yesterday, Vince will offer his perspective on the president's speech this morning. He and Rachel will be discussing the new proposals for a preventive detention scheme, for reactivating the fatally flawed Military Commissions, and for both withholding the torture photos that should be released as part of our lawsuit with the ACLU and other human rights groups despite his promises of transparency and for refusing to hold the high level officials responsible for the torture accountable.
It's been a disturbing day with too much happening to fully process all the implications yet. Join Vince tonight to hear his thoughts. The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, 9:15pm EST. More on Rachel Maddow's show can be seen at the Rachel Maddown Show website.
For more on the Center for Constitutional Right's assessment of the Obama administration's approach to these issues, visit the CCR website.
~ And he actually spoke to the president. It's not a theory, a hope, a dream, a prayer, a fantasy. From what I heard of this meeting last night-the bottom line is ZERO accountability for anyone that committed or facilitated torture-excuse me-enhanced interrogation techniques-I notice Obama didn't have the guts to call it that today-and it's not because he's holding back to build a legal case.
Last night they reported outright he is against any prosecutions. HE is. He didn't even defer to the attorney general, Holder. The most disturbing of all. I'm sure some of you saw that last night on Maddow.