I've been joking around with all my buddies that the reason the History Channel turned into the Jesus is coming channel is that the government knows we're all gonna die! For almost 2 years The History Channel has run almost nothing but God shows, some of the others have joined in. Recently we were able to add the whole Mayan 2012 thing that says, we're all gonna die!
Still joking around we were able to add the Hubble to our "concerns". Why fix an aging system that they were ready to let die a number of years ago? Because they want to see the meteor that's gonna kill us all! OK, still joking we hear that the government can't say for certain that the GPS satellites would work properly as early as next year. The meteor that enters our orbit is going to upset the GPS satellites right before, we're all gonna die!
OK, once again, still joking, I'm in line at Safeway looking at the tabloids. Right under People I see, "The Dummies Guide to Revelations". We're all gonna die for sure now!!
I guess this lady will hit the pearly gates with a running start:
Jury finds Wis. mother guilty in prayer deathLeilani Neumann, a short, Bible-carrying, one-time coffee shop owner, was called a religious extremist who let the child die in a test of faith. Friday, jury convicted her of killing the girl because she prayed instead of getting medical help.http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-wi-prayerdeath-optio,0,1619116.storyWeird thing, it took the jury 4 hours to convict this loon.