Repukes satying Obama shouldn't go around blaming America for the world's problems?
Deja Q
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Fri May-22-09 08:44 PM
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Repukes satying Obama shouldn't go around blaming America for the world's problems? |
What did President Obama say recently?
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Fri May-22-09 08:46 PM
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Deja Q
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Fri May-22-09 09:14 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. So you don't mind that he said America's middle class, and not its corporations, are the cause? |
(I just made that up, obviously, but blind acceptance for a speech's contents you know nothing about? :scared: )
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Fri May-22-09 08:47 PM
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It seems that even though our unregulated financial market (which is interlinked) with the world.....caused the world financial markets to tank too.....
Admitting that the previous administration took us down the wrong path....
You know thruthiness cannot get in the way of Repug patriotism!!:
Deja Q
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Fri May-22-09 09:14 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. If that's what he said, then I am in whole agreement. |
Multinational corporations, with their lobbyists influencing US government, do have a large part to play in all this.
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Fri May-22-09 09:18 PM
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5. Noam Chomskey said of repub's; |
"they are like pickpockets who upon committing their crime turn to you and shout thief" (paraphrased). Replace the word America with Republicans and you have a true statement. If they would just once take responsibility for what they do, you could begin to solve the problem.
Deja Q
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Fri May-22-09 09:40 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Sounds like the RIAA... |
Overpriced cheap uncreative songs No way to preview the product before buying can't return it Copy protection (so why can't the media be returned, as no-refund policies were put in to prevent illegal copying...)
Ad infinitium... :D
But I digress. I wish more republicans would take real responsibility...
11 Bravo
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Fri May-22-09 09:44 PM
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7. He gave a speech that didn't consist of "America ... FUCK YEAH!" ... |
and the Repugs took offense.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:31 PM
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