I came across this on the KILI website. KILI is the radio voice of the Lakota Nation (as well as being a station where you can hear Pink Floyd and Eddie Rabbit played in the same hour). Apparantly, someone made a documentary about the station (located on the Pine Ridge Reservation), but didn't bother to screen it for the participants.
<<New Movie About KILI Radio
We have been hearing that there is a new movie about KILI RADIO, and sure enough - not only is there a movie - but it's been winning awards around the world. Unfortunately, we've never seen it. So we would like to start a movement to get that movie down to the rez. Here's how you can help - go to the website for NO MORE SMOKE SIGNALS and send them an email asking them to send us a copy that we can show - or even better - ask them to come back to South Dakota and show it here for us. Or write to the director,FANNY BRÄUNING and ask her in your most uncika voice, "Please let us poor run down pitiful skins see that movie you made about us!!"
I'll let you know when it's coming to a village near you! Pilamayelo.>>