The S.C. Association of School Administrators has filed an action with the S.C. Supreme Court, asking for declatory judgement to force Gov. Mark Sanford to take action to secure $350 million in federal funds for schools included in the 2010 appropriations act.
The suit also names Education Superintendent Jim Rex as a defendant but notes that...
SCASA President John Tindal says, "Our organization deeply regrets that we have to go to these drastic measures to receive funding that our students and citizens deserve. We know that Jim Rex wants to deliver these funds to school districts but cannot due to the Governor's refusal to request the money."
The suit brings up an argument not yet addressed elsewhere: that Rex, not Sanford, has the ultimate executive authority over education funding in South Carolina. The plaintiffs then ask the Court to give Rex the authority to draw down the funds since they have already been certified by the governor. vetoed the use of funds, and the lege overrode his veto. So Sanford files suit claiming it is all about who has the power over what. He finally admits that this a power struggle. Sanford and the legislature have fought tooth and nail over almost every item that comes up. If Sanford wants it, they don't. And Republicans control the legislature.
So while Sanford makes a play for more power, schools are laying off teachers and others. He is using this to stay in the news and keep himself in the mix for national office.
The Republicans were warned about Sanford before they nominated him. People in their own party tried to tell them he wasn't someone who could be worked with. He has gotten progressively worse over the years.
Sanford doesn't want to compromise. It's a my way or the highway philosophy. He began by poking a stick in the eye of the legislature, and they have been flinging poo at each other since then.
I'm not sure why he was reelected except that it was a kneejerk reaction. He has lost all but the rabid RW base in this fight. If the Rethugs nominate another nut, the Dems can give them a run for their money with a decent candidate.
However, the state Democratic party is basically made up of a bunch of ineffective moots who have run the party forever. They are as much to blame as anything. Basically they just want to keep control over their pathetic little fiefdom.
Luckily, Obama has people setting up permanent offices in the state. Sanford shouldn't have poked him in the eye. Hopefully, they will shake things up and make the party viable once more.