#1 - If waterboarding isn't torture, how come everyone who goes through it (Christopher Hitchens, Mancow, Jesse Ventura
(damn, what a list!)) ends up saying it is torture? And how come Sean Hannity is chickening out of his declaration that he
would go through it to show it wasn't torture?
#2 - If waterboarding is necessary to resolve "ticking bomb" scenarios, how come they had to waterboard the same terrorist
189 times?
#2a - Bonus feature: in the box below is a detailed list of all the ticking bomb scenarios in the history of the GWOT
#3 - If waterboarding is so effective, why did the Bush administration quit doing it in 2004?
#3a - Minor nitpick: they quit torturing known terrorist detainees. Bush himself continued a policy of torturing the English language.
#4 - Bonus Gitmo aside: If Gitmo is such a great a great solution, how come the Pentagon found that one in seven detainees after being released then went and joined up in violent Islamist organizations or activities after being released--including many who were innocently
jailed detained at Guantanamo in 2001-2003?