How? Quite simple.
If Progressive Senators and Reps collectively threaten to leave the Democorporate Party.
Which would immediately threaten the power structure of the Dem Party. The committee chairs and assignments, the house speakers position, the senate majority leadership.
Want proof? Need an example of just how easy it is to make the Dems quake with fear?
Back in January Senator Joe Lieberman made the Dems including Pres Obama quake with unbridled fear when he threatened to not caucus with the Dems if he didn't get his way.
Sen Joe spaketh, and the Dems wilteth, like a snipped flower laying on the hot black pavement in Florida in July.
I'd never seen 1 man smack down a group of people like that before in my life.
I'm a person of Marxist ideology. Socialist to the bone!
I will not be told that I cannot criticize the 1 party rule.
The orgy of economic fascism that has owned Washington for decades.
It's now the Democorps turn to lead the sheep to slaughter.
Pelosi, Reid, Lieberman waved their staff, and we followed. Although, a few of us wandered off course.
Progressive Pols could move the planet if they collectively threaten the Dem power structure by threatening to leave the party. I'm not saying they must leave the party but if the party refuses to make progressive policies the bedrock platform of the Dems policy making, then yes they should then leave.
Dems listen when the power structure is threatened, see Lieberman.
Once Progressives have their ear...
Progressives could then put the following back on the table.
1. Campaign finance reform and much tougher CF laws. Or better yet, public financed campaigns. CHANGE STARTS HERE. WE will never reform this current joke of a democracy until we end the corruption of our current CF system.
2. Clean, Fair, Transparent elections. Bring back the hand counted paper ballot.
3. Economic and Social justice. Employee Free Choice Act NOW! Dems should be ashamed that EFCA hasn't already been signed into law. Along with Rethugs, too many Dems are supporting the disgusting violation of human rights here in America known as the GREAT WEALTH DIVIDE.
4. Single Payer Universal Health Care for all. Anything short of Single Payer is unacceptable. Health for profit is immoral.
5. End War/Occupations reduce our military by at least 50%. Redirect Funding to health care and infrastructure.
Did you know that we have over 700 military bases worldwide? If you're nation doesn't like capitalism, it'll get hurt.
6. Stop Global Warming/Environmental issues. Alternative energy simply must happen. Vital to our national security.
Sea levels are rising and we are poisoning and killing our oceans. If our oceans die, our planet dies.
7 Accountability and Justice. Torture, Gitmo, War Crimes, Union Busting, Political Corruption, 9/11. For the past 30 years(and more but let's stay modern), our Government has perpetrated some of the worst crimes in American history and HAS GONE UNPUNISHED FOR TOO FUCKING LONG.
Time to expose and ban our shadow government.
Collectivism - A word we've forgotten as a nation.
We elected Barack through the power of collectivism but we didn't pick up on the hint of it's power. Because we are still ignoring the power of collectivism.
We will never see CHANGE until we once again learn to embrace the power of collectivism.
Progressive Politicians like Dennis Kucinich could use collectivism to force TRUE CHANGE back into the debate on Capitol Hill.
Progressives have more power in Washington than we think. When will we be brave enough to use it?
What wrong with a little arm twisting? Perhaps, if Progressive Pols channeled LBJ a tad more...
Imagine the possibilities. If we only had a fucking spine.