A poem
The Straight Story
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Sat May-23-09 08:57 PM
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One more day
Doing your best Sticking by what you believe in Caring for others Those who have no voice
Sick. Dying. Out of work. No money to pay the rent.
Utilities soon to be shut off Kids crying Hungry Sad. Scared.
They need money. A lifeline Help Something to get them by
Mom All alone Dad somewhere in the streets Feeling ashamed and scared
Both tried Worked hard Always on time Never missed a day
Company cut costs Benefits Sent their jobs overseas To cut costs
daughter is ill now Family in disarray Family values A catch phrase
A Christmas Carol Tiny Tim But this story Has no happy ending yet
Health care Workers' rights Wars Corporate welfare
Swept under the rug Just wanting the basics Life. Liberty. Happiness.
Denied for the many For the few That same few Who complains that the many Are wrong to ask for help
They tell us we need to fear Those would attack us In our ears whisper reasons for wars
A mother sits alone Crying Because she cannot feed her child Can't meet the little boys' needs
Billions we give out for wars and wall street And complain When we give anything to those needing it
Christmas eve They gather in church And wonder why Mother Mary could not get a room
Wonder how the baby Jesus Could not find a room Wonder why later He was killed for telling people they were wrong
Somewhere a child is crying The Baby jesus Crying, because We chose death over life
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