Choice, Fear, Life, Death, are all illusions. We as humans have the unique ability to observe and comprehend everything about our natural world. These truths are self evident for one who is awake. Humans can consciously move in and out of any situation and not only understand the situation but also understand what motivated their behaviors.(self awareness)
Only humans have this ability, on the planet we call Earth. It's so inherent and seamless to every waking moment that one usually goes their entire life unaware that this special gift that one has been blessed with even exists. It's this gift from the Heavenly Creator of all, that models one in Gods image. It's this gift that allows one to observe and consciously continue to advance society and change our reality as we see fit, usually for the betterment of the majority.
This is the origins of Greek Democracy, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Kabal. Modern physics has proven the cores of these methodologies to be true. The natural world we live in is alive and constantly moving, as is the entire universe. We now know everything is simply waves of energy, you and I are mass, like a table and chairs which only can exists because of these waves. These waves hit molecules, compounds and create mass, objects like cars and hats and you and I.
Although how we and animals are animated is still unknown, scientifically...(The soul)
The underlying concept works like this. I think there for I exist. When one observes life, only then does it become real. If no one is around to observe then there will be nothing. This is humanities greatest gift, a gift which has been stolen and hidden in order to turn the entire human race into worms.
Remember the concept of an atom with spinning particles around the nucleus, much like our solar system and all systems. This is the best part, all of these little spinning pieces exert gravitational forces upon each other, which keeps them moving, and pulling on the molecule next to them. So essentially everything is moving and connected and exerting forces upon each other.
This is why some scientist hypothesized that splitting the atom could cause a chain reaction which would cause every atom to subsequently explode. We know it did not. This is also the same fears behind the Large Hadron Collider and the search for the God Particle, in Illinois and Scandinavia.
These universal moving forces control human behavior. Humans which do not stay constantly aware of why one is doing whatever it is one is doing and the ramifications of ones actions. This type of unaware human existence is one of a reduced to the lowest type Earthly existence for Earthly animated matter. This type existence is one of a worm, where the consciousness of Earthly forces results in eat, poop, reproduce. Then we have other levels of existence, where people kill, other people, so they may build more and spread out like ants or viruses. We have humans who exist by hunting other humans like predatory animals. And we have humans who exist to achieve power, wealth, and dominance, like cycles of weather or other natural systems which build, overtake or consume allot.
Then there are the chosen few who are truly awake. These individuals are the ones who truly have the ability to change the world for the better as they are constantly awake to the reality of why they are doing what they are doing and how to counteract the natural Earthly/ Universally fluctuating natural physical forces which confound, confuse, and derail most of humanities existence.
This awake state is one of enlightenment, it's dangerous and not easy to achieve. When some people try to wake up they completely go insane. Being truly awake is comprised of breaking any and all psychological conditioning. Stepping outside the traditional human conditioning, the going on of things, life as it exist everyday. And viewing life from a more enlightened perspective, from a wise and noble vantage point, one tempered every second by selflessness, compassion and most importantly the will to understand why and what things mean.
Selfless compassion and love for all animated life holding all life sacred is the true human nature, the end of all suffering and a life in Gods image. Which gives one infinite understanding of all natural laws which are simply systems, if one can understand one system then they can understand all systems This is espoused in every major religion and it's the true path to enlightenment and eternal life. One must begin by understanding that they understand nothing and that fear does not exist, death should not be looked at as the end, but as the beginning. By rejecting all desires, materialism and accepting the inevitable death only then is one truly free. When one wakes from the great sleep of conditioned existence one becomes the un mortal, the deathless. One begins to truly see for the first time, many years of great wisdom from past life existence, then through meditation is one able to connect the dots, building their knowledge and change the world. This is the true nature of humanity, in Gods image, everyone else are merely animals. They should know better and because they don't they are doomed, expendable, the living dead and in the continual going on and on of conditioned existence humanity keeps going on and on and they kill each other at will, war, or starve, fornicate, enslave and consume themselves into a more appropriate lesser existence one matching their actions whilst sinning, animated in Gods image.
Denial is the most predictable of the human conditioned responses. This can only be truly understood by those who are awake, every second of every humans existence should be dedicated to this goal. This is the true human nature which has been stolen in America, and the core of every issue we now struggle with as a nation is a direct ramification of our horrific treatment and abandonment of the homeless and less fortunate. They are the Saints of the days of old, they are the wisest ones that are truly awake to reality and now as a nation we shall reap what we have sown.