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Who is KKKarl's target audience ( = BELIEVES what he says)?!1

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 12:00 PM
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Who is KKKarl's target audience ( = BELIEVES what he says)?!1
Edited on Sun May-24-09 12:10 PM by UTUSN
Not even *he* can believe the crap that drains out of his brain and mouth.

Just in a very fast click through, there were three (can only remember two right now) jaw dropping lies in his little exchange with Faux legacy brat Chris (whassisname).

First, he agreed that CHEENEE is not the most credible, charismatic, or popularity inducing figure to be the top spokesman to defend the Shrub-CHEENEE "legacy". Then he speculated (encouraged) somebody "like Porter GOSS" might someday come forward to take over that spot!1 HAH!1 Non-entity GOSS!1 Like *he* would add *any* credibility or gravitas to anything!1 I remember when ShrubCo first tapped him to take the job, here was ANOTHER puppet/errand boy/non-entity (like Gonzo, MIERS, & countless others) to fill the space, to do the bidding of the Shrub masters, who could not find ANYBODY else to take their pitiful jobs!1 You could see the SHAME on Shrub's face when he tried to find something laudatory to say about GOSS!1

But then KKKarl started going off about how OBAMA had done nothing but BLAME ShrubCo for all the problems inherited, that NO OTHER administration had *ever* done that EVER, *and* he cited FDR as a paragon (as he is) who would never do that!1 The Chris kid actually barely followed up by asking (minimally) whether ShrubCo had NOT blamed the CLINTON administration for stuff---oh, just the teeniest little bit?!1 As we here all know, that's ALL they did!1 They inherited an economy in the black and then claimed that CLINTON was responsible for their recession. They ACTUALLY blamed CLINTON for 9-11!1 Now, WHO was it exactly who THREW OUT the RUDMAN-HART anti-terrorism recommendations and TOTALLY brushed off GORE's warnings during the transition after the Coup?!1

There was at least another baldfaced lie, but my audiographic memory is slipping more and more.

**************Btw, what happened in his testimony? He looks fresh as a new load of CRAP, like NOTHING happened!1
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Demoiselle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 12:37 PM
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1. He defined his target audience a long time ago when he said...
"Once they get educated, we lose 'em."

Any other questions I can help you with?
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