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MN's native Dakota hand ICE agents w/Notice of Deporation at Ft Snelling (Native land)

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 03:51 PM
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MN's native Dakota hand ICE agents w/Notice of Deporation at Ft Snelling (Native land) ...

On the morning of Friday, May 22, 2009 Immigrant and Indigenous Rights activists disrupted an event organized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) held at Fort Snelling in St. Paul, MN. Present at the meeting were representatives of several local and federal law enforcement agencies including, but not limited to, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Minneapolis and St. Paul police, the FBI, and the ICE Office of Detention and Removal.

Also present were representatives from local human rights groups, immigration lawyers and other non-profit advocacy organizations. Members and supporters of the Dakota community and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Coalition (MIRAc) demanded answers to human rights abuses perpetrated by ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. Among the abuses mentioned were the 92 documented deaths of detainees under ICE custody due to physical and psychological abuse and lack of medical attention, the deplorable and inhumane conditions at detention centers, the illegal deportation of U.S. citizens due to racial profiling, the separation of children from their parents as a direct result of ICE raids and deportations, and the lack of due process and legal representation.

Pointing out the hypocrisy of holding an event organized by an agency dedicated to deporting individuals considered “illegal,” representatives of the Dakota community accused ICE agents of occupying stolen ground where the Original Peoples were rounded up, forcibly removed, and murdered.

Public relations representatives from DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) office refused to address the civil rights concerns brought forth by members of the community. Activists refused to be silenced and continued their demands for answers and accountability by ICE. The meeting was terminated as members of the Dakota community presented the ICE agents with Notices of Deportation for the illegal occupation of Dakota land. (Deportation notice attached)

Activists made this statement:

*ICE raids have torn children from parents whose only “crime” is to seek work and make a better life for their loved ones both here and in their home countries. These raids have terrorized and silenced workers who have attempted to organize their workplaces against wage theft, dangerous working conditions, and exploitation. Hundreds of detained immigrants have died in ICE custody and been denied essential medical care. Recent reviews conducted by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the Government Accountability Office have all found that the rights of detainees are regularly violated, and that the systems supposedly set up to allow detainees to lodge complaints are unreliable at best.

*One can no more refute the destruction of families and communities by raids, and the deaths and denial of human rights in I.C.E. detention centers, than one can deny genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the concentration camp that existed right here at Fort Snelling. Yet we continue to ignore these facts in order to uphold the illusion that we live in a just society. The “Homeland” Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties claims to exist to uphold civil rights yet does little more than create a false image of attentiveness used to rationalize the continuing injustices.

Though it is rarely acknowledged in our history books, Fort Snelling was an army post for the U.S. military that presaged the invasion and colonization of Dakota lands and extermination and ethnic cleansing of Dakota people. It was a concentration camp site where the U.S. government imprisoned Dakota people, primarily women and children during the winter of 1862-63. It also served as a training ground for American soldiers to participate in other campaigns and wars of imperialism against indigenous peoples, such as the Spanish-American War of 1898 which resulted in further expansion of U.S. colonialism. For all these reasons and more, Fort Snelling stands as the most prolific symbol of colonialism and genocide in our state.

*We find it indefensible that I.C.E. has the audacity to attempt to justify raids, deportations and the detention of so called "illegal immigrants" while on the site of a colonial concentration camp aimed at wiping out the original inhabitants of this land. We seek to expose this hypocrisy, and make it clear that I.C.E. cannot claim legitimate authority to detain or deport anyone, much less those indigenous to the continent.

Neoliberal restructuring and free trade agreements such as NAFTA have negatively affected indigenous peoples throughout Latin America. Many have lost their land and viable forms of employment and have been forced to migrate north in order to support their families. We believe that when capital and commerce are able to operate without borders, it is hypocritical and disingenuous to discuss civil rights and liberties which presuppose state recognition. As such, we ask that people’s human rights be respected.

Furthermore, there is evidence the raids aren’t even meeting their stated goals. In a study conducted by the Migration Policy Institute, it was found that only 18% of the nearly 90,000 immigrants arrested through home raids had any prior criminal record, not even for entering the country without documents or low-level crimes like trespassing. More than 400 of those with no criminal record had been incarcerated for at least a year. In total, over 30,000 immigrants are detained every day, triple the number detained just ten years ago. It should be clear that these raids and deportations are a form of terror and have sowed fear in the hearts of many immigrant men, women, and their children. They must stop.

These raids are undertaken in an increasingly racist and xenophobic environment where hate crimes against Latinos have dramatically skyrocketed. These raids have also encouraged the most bigoted and hate-filled vigilantism. We believe that those, regardless of nationality, who earn a paycheck and have mouths to feed understand that these necessities override lines drawn upon a map. One does not wait in the face of a rumbling stomach. The cry of a hungry mouth requires no translation.

*Because of the abundant evidence demonstrating the lack of true willingness to uphold human rights and civil liberties by ICE and the gross disregard for the Dakota people, we reject the legitimacy of this event and demand that it stop at once.
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annabanana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 04:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. This really deserves attention. Those ICE raids have been a National
disgrace. Elephant guns where pea-shooters would more than suffice.

K&R & Digg. .
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Mnemosyne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 06:36 PM
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2. KnR for greater visibility. n/t
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MountainLaurel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 06:40 PM
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3. Very glad to provide the 5th rec n/t
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pleah Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 07:06 PM
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4. K&R
Well done.

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Gregorian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 08:49 PM
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5. What is wrong with America?
America is diseased.

Ultimately I would bet anything that this boils down to resources. Natives own lots of land. I wish they had the entire country. It wouldn't be such a sickly place.

I don't fully understand the story. I don't have to. I know it's wrong.
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 09:00 PM
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6. k&r from a Minnesotan. Not a word about this event in the local TV news, of course. (nt)
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Canuckistanian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
7. Well said!
By forcing the issue of "nativism", they're pointing to the issues of TRUE natives and exposing the hypocrisy of the rationale behind ICE.

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 08:29 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. to find out more of the Ft Snelling and Cold water Spring Area


• A 9,000-year old flint spear point was discovered in Mendota, near the confluence of the Mississippi & Minnesota rivers. The 5-inch projectile was used to hunt giant bison, about twice the size of today’s buffalo, typically ambushed in a swampy area. These huge animals died out after the ice age.

• Paleo-Indians also hunted woolly mammoth & mastodon (ancient elephants). The big game hunters & gatherers lived a migratory lifestyle following the food cycle. Flint for this spear point was mined out of limestone along the Minnesota River near Mankato. The flint, found 70-miles from its source, probably indicates the people’s harvest path or perhaps trade.

• As ice retreated with drying winds, the prairie spread & deciduous woods grew only in river valleys & around large lakes. For thousands of years people lived without evidence of warfare.

• By 1500 BCE squash & wild rice were added to a varied diet of greens & plants like prairie turnips, berries & buffalo, moose, deer, small game & fish.

• 500 BCE first pottery appeared. Extensive trade, semi-permanent villages & more harvested plant food. Corn introduced.

• 500 BCE-500 great mound building period. Evidence of large gatherings but no evidence of collective warfare.

• 500-1650 small settlements scattered along Minnesota River & tributaries with corn, beans, squash & buffalo. In the north with a lake/woodland habitat, people lived in larger villages hunting & fishing, with intensive wild rice cultivation & tobacco. Bow & arrow hunting replaced atlatls (throwing sticks). Archaelogical studies indicate an increasing, healthy population at peace with neighbors.

• 1650-1805 measles, small pox & population pressure from native peoples pushed westward, precede the Europeans. The series of deadly epidemics devastated the continuity of native societies.

• Trade goods & furs moved along water highways. The French also brought whiskey & missionaries.

• Horses came to the northern Great Plains by the end of the 1600s. "Spirit dogs" revolutionized plains society & encouraged a flowering of Dakota culture, ironically just before the buffalo population collapsed.

• September 23, 1805, Lt. Zebulon Pike signed a treaty with the "Sioux Nation of Indians" for 9-miles of land on either side of the Mississippi River from below the confluence with the Minnesota, north to the Falls of St. Anthony. The United States of America was granted "full sovereignty & power over said districts forever" for the "purpose of the establishment of military posts" while the native people retained the rights to "pass, repass, hunt or make other uses of the said districts, as they have formerly done." In trade for the land use, the assembled Dakota people got 60 barrels of whiskey & $200. The treaty was never ratified & has not been tested in the courts.


• In the fall of 1819 soldiers built Fort New Hope on the backwaters of the Minnesota River, below Mendota (Dakota word for "meeting of waters"). Tainted meat & poor sanitary practices resulted in 20-percent mortality.

• May 5, 1820, soldiers followed Indian trails up the west bank of the Mississippi bluff to Coldwater Spring & took possession. "The clear, cold spring water helped restore the men & their families, who lived in tents & elm bark huts here during three summers while they built the permanent stone fort nearby."

• Camp Coldwater was born.

• Limestone was quarried out of the bluffs right there & hauled to fort construction at the point above the confluence of the Mississippi & Minnesota rivers.

• The road to the lumber mill, Hiawatha, ran between the fort & the Falls of St. Anthony. To the Anishinabe (Ojibwe) the falls was Ka-kah bi-kah, "split rocks" named for the great hunks of limestone that broke off when water dug out the soft sandstone beneath the harder rock. Dakota people called it Minnehaha, "waterfall." What we call Minnehaha today was "Little Falls."

• A pioneer settlement grew around Camp Coldwater to supply & service the fort, including Swiss, French, Canadian, Irish, English, Native & African-Americans. Pioneers built farms, trading posts, steamboat landings, a hotel, blacksmith shops, stables & worked at the fort as servants, baby-sitters, interpreters, missionaries & guides.

• In the late 1830s the military began to forcibly evict civilians away from lands near the fort, ostensibly to preserve game & firewood. Authorities lost control of the mix of natives, soldiers & settlers living around the fort. Their solution was to dilute the concentration of people & whiskey. It was a time of huge population transfers within America & from Africa & Europe to America.

• Pioneer leader Abraham Perry built his homestead beside Coldwater Falls, on a small stretch of prairie half way down the great river bluff. In 1838 Perry, his wife & 6 children were driven out of their home, taking only what they could carry, & put on a ferry across the Mississippi. Soldiers ripped-off the roof of their log cabin, smashed household goods & set all afire. Pieces of Marie Ann Perry’s broken China pop out of the ground each spring after the thaw. She was the community’s midwife.

• Pig’s Eye Parrant removed his notorious liquor business from Mendota, safely downstream of the military reservation to become one of the founding father’s of what people called Pig’s Eye, later St. Paul.

• After a series of battles between the Dakota & Anishinabe, Indian people were also "expelled" from the Coldwater area.

• As game became more scarce government & missionaries increasingly pressured Indian people to become farmers & Christians.

• 1836-40 Dred Scott lived at Fort Snelling, in the Wisconsin Territory, a "free territory" where slavery was prohibited. He had lived at Fort Armstrong in the free state of Illinois with his master, Army surgeon John Emerson, from 1833-35.

• Scott was born Sam Blow in Virginia in 1795. The family & slaves moved westward settling in St. Louis, Missouri. He changed his name after his first wife was sold "down the river." He ran away as Sam, was caught & beaten by a gang of young thugs who returned a changed man, Dred Scott, to his master for the reward money.

• Dred Scott, his wife Harriet & their two daughters, lost their 11-year battle for freedom in the "most unpopular Supreme Court decision in the 70-year history of the court." Into the rising fire of Abolitionist sentiment, Scott v. Sanford (1846-57) declared Dred Scott to be ineligible to file a suit in federal court because he was not a person.

• Dred Scott walked here. Coldwater Springs furnished drinking & cooking water to the fort for a hundred years, hauled in barrels on "water wagons" until after the Civil War.

• In 1843 the Coldwater area was declared to be within the Fort Snelling Military Reservation along with most of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington & Richfield. The army continued to evict people in order to secure its water source & enough surrounding land for gardens, firewood, hunting & military control.

• 1851 Treaty negotiations at Mendota with Mdewakanton Dakota people were accelerated by the denial of rations (beefsteak). Millions of acres of southern Minnesota was ceded to the US for white settlement for a few cents an acre including: Fort Snelling, Coldwater & lands west of the Mississippi.

• Traders received $410,000 of Dakota treaty money to cover inflated debt for trade goods. Minnesota territorial Governor Alexander Ramsey was found "free from blame" for his part in engineering the treaty.

• 1851-63 Annunity payments & the reservation system was organized to "civilize the Dakotas" in permanent homes along the Minnesota River.

• 1855 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Song of Hiawatha was published. Hugely popular, it brought tourists by the boatload. Those who landed below Fort Snelling followed the trail to Coldwater Spring, then north (11&Mac218;4 miles) to Minnehaha Falls, site of the "Indian" Victorian romance.

• 1858 Minnesota statehood, St. Paul, largest city, became the state capitol; St. Anthony, second city got the state university while Stillwater, the state prison. Slavery was the major federal issue, this was the year of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

• 1862 The Dakota Uprising resulted in 644 white deaths. Native deaths were not recorded. 38 Dakota men were hanged at Mankato the day after Christmas. 1600 Dakota people were interned over-winter in a squalid camp on the river flats below Fort Snelling. Accounts vary about how many died (at least 130) & where they were buried.

• A removal bill was enacted in March 1863. Two months later more than 1300 Dakota Indians were shipped down the Mississippi & up the Missouri to Crow Creek, South Dakota, in boats so crowded 300 people died. Conditions were comparable to the Middle Passage of the slave trade.

• Parts of Minnesota were declared "Indian free." A bounty was offered for native scalps. At this time Minnesota troops were fighting & dying in the American South to free blacks from slavery. In fact Dakota men were in the Union Army.

• Dakota people who were neutral during the uprising or who acted as "friendlies" could neither go to a reservation nor remain near white settlements. Although "any meritorious individual…who exerted himself to save the lives of the whites in the late massacre" was granted 80 acres, in reality they became landless, homeless & were compelled to live hidden as outlaws.

• In the 1870s Indian people began to come out of invisibility & to return to their homelands from the reservations. Assimilation pressures intensified. Some Mendota Dakota "friendlies" squatted across from Fort Snelling along the south bank of the confluence of rivers where they were flooded out nearly every spring.

• 1885 Minnesota legislature allocated money for Minnehaha State Park, first state park in the US (second is Niagara falls). It was Horace Cleveland’s vision & energy that preserved the land from the falls to the fort.

• 1890-1978, Indian religious practice was outlawed in America.

• An aerial photograph from the 1930s shows two pow wow circles just south of 54th Street, on federal land. (Pow wows are social-cultural events.)

• During the 1950s & 1960s plans to preserve Camp Coldwater & to excavate some of the historic sites came to naught.

• 1959 Government officials considered building a nuclear reactor at Coldwater Springs.

• 1960-97 a portion of the federal land was fenced by the US Bureau of Mines for Cold War research. There was little news from inside the compound however, once in the 1970s Coldwater Springs was open to the public during a drinking water emergency.

• The Bureau of Mines has been reabsorbed back into the Department of Interior & Camp Coldwater has been vacated.

• MAC (Metropolitan Airports Commission) holds a signed agreement with Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles-Belton to receive title to Camp Coldwater for an 850 car parking lot for employees. The land is in the flight path of the NE-SW runway extension. If Camp Coldwater becomes an Airport Sacrifice Zone all buildings would be demolished & removed with 7 acres of surface parking & some landscaping.

• March 19, 1999, Eddie Benton Benais, Grand Chief of the Mdewiwin (Medicine) Society, Anishinabe spiritual elder from Lac Courte Oreilles, Wisconsin, gave court-ordered testimony in the State Office Building of the Minnesota Capitol grounds about the cultural significance of the Camp Coldwater area. "My grandfather who died in 1942…many times he retold how we traveled, how he & his family, he as a small boy traveled by foot, by horse, by canoe to this great place to where there would be these great religious, spiritual events. And that they always camped between the falls & the (spring) sacred water place….We know that the falls which came to be known as Minnehaha Falls, was a sacred place, a neutral place, a place for many nations to come….And that the spring from which the sacred water should be drawn was not very far…a spring that all nations used to draw the sacred water for the ceremony….How we take care of the water is how it will take care of us."

• February 7, 2000, University of Minnesota historical anthropologist Bruce M. White, PhD, released a report calling the Camp Coldwater settlement "a dream archaeological site. The birthplace of Minnesota a rich, culturally diverse area in which Indian people, whites, fur traders, missionaries, soldiers & settlers came together to create the basis for the state as it is today.


• Anderson, James K., Cultural Chairman, Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community

• Barr, Kelton, hydro-geological consultant to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Distrtict

• Blegen, Theodore C., Minnesota: A History of the State, University of Minnesota Press, 1975.

• Brick, Greg, 1989 inventory of springs of the Twin Cities for the Minnesota Polluntion Control Agency

• Brown, Robert A., Chairman, Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community

• Clouse, Robert, PhD, head archaelogist, Minnesota Historical Society

• Fehrenbacher, Don Edward, The Dred Scott Case: Its Significance in American Law and Politics, Oxford University Press, 1978.

• Fudally, Dave, Camp Coldwater history expert, impetus behind the Minnesota Historical Society’s 1991 plaque at the site

• Hill, Frederick Trevor, Decisive Battles of the Law: Narrative Studies of Eight Legal Contests Affecting the History of the United States Between 1800-1886, Harper and Borthers, 1907.

• Iverson, Mary Jo, Green Cities Inc., researcher, documentarian

• LaDuke, Winona, Last Standing Woman, Voyageur Press, 1997.
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Canuckistanian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. Thanks
Interesting reading.
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Wednesdays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 09:32 AM
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9. K&R
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 11:36 AM
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11. Beautiful! Homeland Security.
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