Did you tout your role in the order of Hibernians in order to fleece the Tuatha?
That is a big part of how Madoff fleeced the chosen people, as well as everyone else. He's a crook who prayed on lazy money managers and privileged investors. He used the Jewish Charities as a bona fide. That is why I say let the theocracy pay for his crimes.
Bernie Madoff ran an investment scam. Not a bank, not a savings and loan. Where to you draw the line?
Should we have bailed out the Bank of the Vatican in the 80s? Who *isn't* deserving of federal bailout dollars?
So if any government should be vouchsafing Bernie's big score, it should be the theocracy in question. He used his standing in the religious community as a cover. Let that religious community cough the bux up, if anyone does. I wouldn't bail out the followers of Gardner Ted Armstrong after he announces the next end of the world and his followers go on another WWCoG spree, spending like there is no tomorrow.
How is this group different? They put their faith in yet another good, moral, godly man to make them rich. So did the followers of Elmer Gantry. Faith can be a positive good, or a disease. It depends on where you place it.
In the US, safe investing is called banking. Not investing in a bank, but depositing in it. Just my opionion, your milage may vary.