those who can't watch or hear online videos it is 9 minutes in length. Brian Kilmede spent 8 minutes debating Jesse over torture until he stormed off the set. They were pretty much going over whether torture is right or wrong and Brian Kilmeade said something like 'I support ending waterboarding once there dead.' something like that as I could barely catch the first part through interruptions and Jesse Ventura replied "Are you going to enlist" and said something like you better walk the walk instead of talk the talk. Knowing Kilmeade was loosing he switched gears and attacked Jesse over 'Rosie O'Donnell conspiracies' refering to Jesse's questions about 9/11 and he went on to give examples of government lying to us and was insisting that he has questions and doesn't believe everything in the 9/11 commission report. Somewhere here is where Kilmeade stormed off the set then a civil discussion between the other 2 hosts where Jesse was talking about asking questions and said the first amendment is necessary not for popular speech but for unpopular speech. Sorry for missing something that is the most of it. Sorry if this video has been seen already by most of you but since I was out of the loop this weekend I found the video, enjoyed it very much, and decided to share it with you.