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Rove: Torture memos an “attempt to constrain behavior”

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deminks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 07:50 PM
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Rove: Torture memos an “attempt to constrain behavior”

You almost have to be impressed that Karl Rove can spew this nonsense with a straight face:

(video at the link)

Thursday, when President Obama said that the Bush administration's attitude towards enhanced interrogation and so forth, had been, quote, "anything goes," was intellectually dishonest. I mean, they didn't even read the memos that they released themselves. You may disagree with the legal reasoning behind Yoo and Bradbury and others writing those memos, but those memos are an attempt to constrain behavior, to define what cannot be done and what can be done. Not, quote, "anything goes."

Well, sure. They were just trying to constrain behavior so they wouldn't cross a line into the unacceptable Like when John Yoo explained why it might be okay to crush the testicles of a suspect's child:

(end snip)

What Morning Jerk will be talking about tomorrow - they put out the memos to CONSTRAIN the interrogators. Yeah, that's the ticket... :sarcasm:
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MadMaddie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 08:58 PM
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1. Do they really believe the drival that spews from their pie holes?
They broke the law - U.S. and international...there is nothing else to say.
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