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In Honor of our Brave Men and Women

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
emilyg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 09:18 PM
Original message
In Honor of our Brave Men and Women
Today, 6:09 pm - IP Logged Reply Favorites

We stood quietly on the tarmac
As his plane rolled to a stop
With tear filled eyes we waited
For the tail to begin to drop

Six young men in uniform
Stood by his flag draped box
My insides began to tighten
As if filled with rocks

Like poetry set in motion
Was every move they made
Together they lifted Tommy
I bowed my head and prayed

The slow walk they began
Then gently loaded him into the hearse
With clinched fists I stood there
How I felt the need to curse

A young soldier with extended hand
Then led me to the side
He said, Sir I was there with him
That night that Tommy died

Sir, I feel you should have this
He was writing it that night
Slid a blood stained paper into my hand
And walked on out of sight

With shaking hands I unfolded it
His words I began to read
My tears falling like raindrops
With each word I did heed

Dear Lord, he said, I write these words
Knowing they could be my very last
The shells are getting closer
With each and every blast

Still I feel the need I must write
While kneeling in this sand
We’ve come here for a mission
One to protect this very land

Lord, I know back home are many
Who say this war just shouldn’t be
For that I ask you to forgive them
Please Lord, hear me as I plea

You see Sir I’m just a soldier
I must answer when they call
Like so many men and women before me
Our job is never small

Sir, as soldiers we don’t start war
Our job is to defend
We fight each day for Freedom
And will Sir… till the end

It’s because of the many like us
Who have traveled along this way
That those that shout the loudest
Have rights to what they say

Lord, as with all conflicts past
This one seems to be the same
There are those who just don’t understand
This fight is not a game

Many brave men and women give up life
In this fight to keep man free
I ask Dear Lord, you stay here with us
Dear Lord, please hear my plea

And Lord, I ask one last favor
Then I’ll put away my pen
We ask only, our Country love us… as we love her
In Jesus’ name… Amen!!!

Woody Woodruff
June 29 2008

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Frosty1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 09:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Amen
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JDwho Donating Member (339 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-25-09 10:02 PM
Response to Original message
2. This is beautifully expressed...
I could almost see the soldier kneeling and writing his last words. These soldiers are following orders from the commander in chief, they are there to defend, not decide if they should be there politically. Thank God for them, this Memorial day, and every day.
If the poor guy was referring to Iraq as the "war that shouldn't be", then he's right, there are alot of us that believe it shouldn't, not taking away the honor of any soldiers death while doing as told.
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