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(London Mayor) Boris Johnson's 'near-death experience' with lorry

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Blue_Tires Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 09:41 AM
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(London Mayor) Boris Johnson's 'near-death experience' with lorry
One of Boris Johnson's missions as Mayor of London is to get more people out of their cars and on to their bikes.

But anyone who watches CCTV footage of the mayor's last outing on his own bicycle is likely to be put off for life.

On Friday morning Johnson headed out in London with transport minister Lord Adonis and Kulveer Ranger, his director of transport, to look at potential sites for new cycle "super highways". The routes are part of his plan for a "cycling revolution" in the capital.

Round a corner peddled the mayor and the minister, enjoying the ride, until a large lorry overtook them.

In what is being described as the mayor's "near-death experience", the lorry's back door then suddenly flew open, dragged a parked car into the street and smashed into another – just feet from Johnson, Adonis and Ranger.

A CCTV camera which caught the drama obscures the cyclists during the collision until 30 seconds later a figure that is unmistakably Johnson emerges, helmet in hand, scratching his head and lucky to be alive.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 10:08 AM
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1. I think the incident shows that trucks need to have their doors secured
It really shows the need for bike paths, etc as well. Hope it increases the demand for safe bikeways and also for better truck locks!
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