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Well played, Senor OBAMA, well played!1 (re: SOTOMAYOR)

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 02:00 PM
Original message
Well played, Senor OBAMA, well played!1 (re: SOTOMAYOR)
Edited on Tue May-26-09 02:11 PM by UTUSN
I credit the President (Zeus, it's GOOD to use that word again instead of pRESIDENT!) with uncommon insight and nobility--I'm talking LINCOLN and FDR territory here!1

I do NOT believe he is playing Poppy BUSH's game. You know the game, nominating Clarence THOMAS, a minority whose minorityness painted the opposition into a corner, fearing to oppose him despite his zero mental power. I believe he is sincere, but still painting the Rethugs into a corner.

And I believe SOTOMAYOR is not a mental midget as much as Clarence THOMAS is, media yakkers to the contrary. AND she's only FIFTY FOUR!

Then there's the reverse racism angle, and, no, I'm certainly not channeling LIMBOsevic today. Affirmative Action alum Ruben NAVARRETTE has always done the racist thing, demanding that the Dems nominate Victor MORALES just BECAUSE he is Hispanic (despite being a charlatan who later refused to endorse the Dem nominee), and supporting Beto GONZALEZ just BECAUSE he is Hispanic, while NAVARRETTE opposes Dems on every OTHER thing.

Orrin HATCH does the same thing, like back with "Meeg-WELL" Estrada, putting on his Shirley TEMPLE pout and saying prettily, "The Dems CLAIM to support minorities, so HOW can they oppose 'Meeg-WELL'?!"

The answer is, with Beto and ESTRADA and all ilk, "BECAUSE THEY'RE WINGNUTS! Forget about their mental midgetry, their houseboyness. They're WINGNUTS, that's ALL!"
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Fresh_Start Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 02:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. It will be amusing to see the GOP try to bend over backward
to not alienate hispanics (many of who are social conservatives) since they will desperately need to pull hispanic votes to regain power.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 02:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. The eternal mystery: Why ANY minority would EVER vote Rethug!1
Maria SHRIVER's explanation for Ahhhnuld: "It's because he's AN IMMIGRANT!1 He's got IMMIGRANT dreams!1" (paraphrase)
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Fresh_Start Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Abortion
its great that the GOP was able to find abortion and gun control so they could lead voters by their noses.
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