Edited on Tue May-26-09 04:53 PM by SoCalDem
Polls that say "republicans believe this or that", will only be a number-within-a-number, and that overall number will be less and less...So when you hear "70% of republicans say...." what you are really seeing is that 70% of TWENTY-ONE PERCENT of the population, may have answered a skewed question in a certain way.
If a pollster is looking for a 50-50 split, that pollster starts from an invalid place, and then is extrapolating numbers based on a super-minority, as if it carried the same weight as the answers from the majority.
The appointed republicans in positions of power, will be with us for a while, but attrition will eventually move them aside..UNLESS our own elected officials do stupid things, and allow as resurgence before they work their way out of the system.
We can easily replace elected republicans with democrats, but DECADES of republican appointments to the judiciary will be with us for a while.
Corporations are riddled with republicans, in jobs with real power, so its not going to be easy to "move" their opinions away from their main goal..make private money ..at ANY public cost.
The gay marriage issue is a prime example. Other than a few religious zealots, probably most republicans don't really care as much as the media would have us believe.. Where DO gay people come from, anyway?. They come for ordinary families of all political persuasions. They are from families of all socio-economic levels, from large cities, small towns..from EVERYWHERE, and from every family.
As long as gay people must remain "single", "confirmed bachelors", etc., companies that "give" benefits to the employees, can save money by not having to offer family coverage to the "single-people".
When a "single" gay person dies , their social security benefits go back into the "pool", since it's likely that there are no minor children to pay it out to, and there is no spouse.
Single people MUST file their income taxes as a single..Married people can choose to file alone, but single people cannot choose to file as married.
It's about the MONEY.