Hope I make your top ten list for this one.
I bet y'all are just wetting yourselves with glee today. One might even say you’re probably positively gay about it.
So, I dare you. Take a look in your mirror for a change and try to wipe the shit from your eyes first if you can.
How many of you, who would deny the simple right of two people who love each other the sacred decision to marry each other, made not sacred by your heavily edited Bibles, but by that which is most pure and good in human nature: Love. L O V E, for the slower among you, and there must be legions. How many of you still have love in your "Gay threatened" marriages?
You know, love, that highest of ideals you like to wear as a badge, like your alleged Christianity, but hide under your coat whenever a real test of it comes to you. A test, like say, allowing two people in love to spend their lives together with all the rights you have? Even if your misguided, self righteous, bullshit indignation makes you feel icky about it.
How many of you who rant and wail and come to the defense of the “sanctity” of marriage were divorced before the first same sex couple was even granted the pitifully inadequate civil union license? Was merely the specter of a possible future of gay marriages enough to tear asunder your God sanctioned union?
So, I challenge you to look at your own smug, deluded, hateful visage in the mirror and actually try to explain to yourself why you’re against same sex marriage. Try it ten times to start and ten more if that doesn’t work. I’m sure Fox News or your preacher or Rush Limbaugh et al have given you at least twenty different reasons that “Teh Gay” is the most evil force in the universe, to spew at fellow sycophants or to wage a witless war with “The Libruls” over, but can you really look yourself in the eyes and say it?
I mean I want to know. Do you really believe your own bullshit about how it’s a choice? Or that “those people” want special rights, or that it will ruin your “God approved”, but sorry, State sanctioned marriage? Because I have news for you, as much as y’all seem to hate “Socialism” and big government, every single fucking one of your marriages is a Government controlled and regulated institution.
Jehovah himself could plop like a divine turd out of the sky and say he wants two people to be married but if that Country Clerk doesn’t take your money and stamp your dance card, you’re shit out of luck kid.
You want to decide who should get married or not? Start your own fucking church called the “Temple of everything Jesus was against”. Get yourself a nice, big, (throbbing?) phallus shaped chapel, a glass roof and mirrors on the wall so you can all see yourselves kneeling to kiss your own asses with the joy of how “Holy” you are.
Better yet, you want to really regulate marriage and make sure only the “right” people are doing it? Let’s come up with a series of “love” tests.
-Sperm count low or infertility issues? Fuck you, denied! -History of heart disease? Fuck you, denied! -Ever cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend? Fuck you, denied! -Two different religions? Fuck you, denied! -IQ lower than 75? Fuck you, denied! And then you’d have the inevitable Bob Eubanks hosted round: “The hopefully to be newlywed” game. Where you would have to answer a series of questions about your fiancé correctly and anyone scoring under 65%?
Fuck you, denied!
Wow, this taking away people’s rights is easy. No wonder it holds such fascination for all of you as I’m sure you prefer simple games.
So look in that mirror and repeat the bullshit, the hate, and the bigotry to yourself over and over and see if you still believe it. Of course you have to have the empathy to put yourself in your reflection’s place in order to feel the hate, and you may have to work on that one.
Failing that at least say Candyman three times so we can finally be done with you. Fuck you very much, Shadow