Edited on Tue May-26-09 06:59 PM by Mike 03
and I'm not expert, to say the least...
I do not think this discussion should be only about intelligence.
Robert Bork was intelligent. Alito is intelligent. Plenty of judges are intelligent.
(It is true that some are not, and we can debate about those names, like Clarence Thomas and so fourth.)
If we cling obsessively to "intelligence" alone, in the case of nominating a Supreme Court Judge, we are being responsible in one respect, but blind in another.
It is our right, as the electorate, and as the citizens of the Democracy we have designed, to express our preference for justices who share our beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that. Even Presidents admit that they make their selections based not merely upon intelligence, awards and degrees, but also upon primary philosophy.
Is this not true?
Correct me if I'm wrong.