Edited on Tue May-26-09 07:28 PM by Mike 03
How can we honestly, or in good faith, justify shuffling this off to the side as not important, anymore than my parents would ever try to shuffle off their responsibility for obtaining equal rights for African Americans?
Respectfully, to all my friends here at DU (and we may agree to disagree, and I still love you), this is not an issue we can abide comfortably with or shuffle off to the side as something to tackle down the road or "in the future." This is not a "future concern" but a Now Concern, just as the rights of African Americans were in the 1960s, or Women in the early 1970s.
This is about the essence of who we are as a nation and what we stand for as human beings.
What happened today in California, regardless of the technicalities, was a hateful affront to common sense, the Constitution and just plain fairness.
It may well be true that this was a legal issue resting on a technicality that proved not to be true, but basic rightness needs to be taken into account now.
We are well beyond the point of technicalities when it comes to basic rights. That argument is an embarrassment to everything we supposedly stand for.
A thing is either fair or not fair.
The Constitution is clear as a bell.
If a man wants to marry a man, or a woman wishes to marry a woman, this is NOT a nation that should stand in the way.
It is repulsive, and it is against the Constitution, and against everything we supposedly stand for, to argue about technicalities when it comes to basic issues of fairness.
We need to not just talk the talk but walk the walk when it comes to the subject of equality and Democracy.
My heart goes out to the GLBT community tonight.
What happened today was shocking and wrong.