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Jim Garlow "Joni Show" Daystar nonchalant at 22:00 today Outrage!!!!

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Aslanspal Donating Member (303 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 08:58 PM
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Jim Garlow "Joni Show" Daystar nonchalant at 22:00 today Outrage!!!!
Edited on Tue May-26-09 09:04 PM by Aslanspal

Which is it Jim on April 15 on the Daystar show with Joni at 22:00 you make a prediction and turns out you were correct and that nonchalantly predicted the 18,000 would retain their marriage status...did not discern any outrage ..just a realist political prediction.

but whooooa! today it is outrage!!!
(Jim Garlow quote today)
He said he was outraged that the court would grandfather the 18,000 marriages that took place between June 17 and Nov. 4, 2008, when same-sex marriage was legal in the California. “Marriage is not the issue,” Garlow said Tuesday. “Sanctioning one type of behavior is the issue.” Lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender couples already have legal recognition, he said.“Civil unions and domestic partnership laws already provide all the benefits of marriage,” Garlow said. “Why isn’t that enough?”

I think he got the talking points memo but on April 15 on the Daystar show Joni he spoke at it as if in passing a reality without the outrage...which is it Jim.
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Mari333 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-26-09 09:00 PM
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1. total bullshit as usual
civil unions and domestic partnerships do NOT provide all the benefits of legal marriage.
liars make me sick.

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