in the recent past I have been plotting the near future history of the US for a series of short stories, perhaps a novel. So I have been following the mess in Sacramento very closely.
I could even tell you that some of the major players are not even known by the general public. See Republicans leaders in the House and Senate. Trust me, they make Arnie look like a damn commie pinko liberal.
So you all know the guvernator, who everybody likes to hate, and who moderated his views after the people beat him in a special election. At this point he might wish he never took that call from the RNC, but that is another story. As republicans go, he has turned out to be quite moderate, ESPECIALLY when you compare him to some of the less known people.
And yes, they mostly involve the anarchist, formerly known as Republicans in Sacramento. And no I am not using the term anarchist in the sense people think. But in the classical sense. These folks, use the term loosely, have one mission. To destroy the welfare state in california, no holds barr. For some of them privatizing every service in the state, from head of schools to dog catcher is the ultimate goal. The only thing the guv'ment should be involved in is the Guard, that's it... and it looks like they've succeeded. Hell, in their view the taxes that you and I should pay is zero percent... that's it.
Now how does this pertain to the rest of the US? What we are seeing in Cali, due to its particular constitution, is coming to other states. This same kind of a log jam will be seen. And if they can... they will bring it to the federal government as well. Yes I know, they expanded guv'ment to insane levels over the last eight years, but essentially they moved closer to their goals. Many areas of DOD have been privatized... like minor stuff like the supply chain in a war zone.
So pay attention to Cali... because this is the future for the rest of you, unless the anarchist are called on it.
Oh and the third rail of US Politics, no, not SS, Taxes, is coming up for the piper. All of you who want services...remember the money faerie does not pay for them.
In california both sides are bout to learn that lesson, in spades... so perhaps taxes will no longer be the third rail after both social net services and police forces are cut to the bone... or beyond.
That said, in this future world, Mexifornia actually has the tax base to finance world class educational and research institutions, but that is AFTER this mess is well over and people learned their lesson. It also helped that many of the most regressive people in the interior left.