(Fellow DUers- I seek your wisdoms in this matter. I am outraged after learning about what my government has done and perhaps continues to do when it comes to torture. I strongly feel a need to act, to at least say SOMETHING to my Representatives in Congress. Will this do?)
Dear Senator Murray Regarding these latest torture photos:
I recall from my high school history lessons, how many of the local citizens of post WWII Germany were made to bear witness to the heinous war-crimes committed by their defeated nazi government. I recall how many of those citizens were made to go into those concentration camps and how they were made to see what had been done and how they were made to clean up those nightmarish torture/death camps. I think it was right that those citizens were forced to face those heinous crimes that their out of control government had done.
Now We The People are hearing that there are photos, photos of horrendous acts done to the citizenry of other nations by members of our military and that these heinous acts were authorized by our own government.
If I still live in a nation of laws, if I still live in a nation governed by a representative democracy and if YOU are still a representative of the citizenry of the state of Washington, then as our representative in OUR government, PLEASE see to the release of those photos. If not, then you condemn us, your constituents, in the eyes of OUR victims and in the eyes of the world, to being just as complicit as were those civilian German citizens in post WWII Germany. Thank you for your time c