. . . says our national security adviser:
President Barack Obama's decisions to grow the military, broaden the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and focus on 21st century threats are making America "increasingly safer," the president's national security adviser said yesterday.
"I firmly believe that the United States is not only safe, but it will be more secure, and the American people are increasingly safer because of the president's leadership that he's displayed consistently over the last four months, both at home and abroad," James L. Jones Jr. said in a speech at an Atlantic Council event here.
Jones, a former Marine Corps commandant and NATO commander, praised the president's choice to increase the Defense Department budget, grow the Army and Marine Corps and delay planned reductions of the Air Force and Navy. In the meantime, the United States is working to bring the war in Iraq to a close while taking a more comprehensive approach to Afghanistan, he said.
"We are doing everything we can to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end, and we are pursuing a comprehensive strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, including a new commitment of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida and its allies," he said.
read more reasons Mr. Jones believes we're safer:
http://www.dvidshub.net/?script=news/news_show.php&id=34234I disagree with the general. I believe the increased military activity in Afghanistan and Pakistan just plays into the strategy of those who organize the violent resistance against our invading and occupying forces to keep us bogged down where they can both strike out at actual targets of the U.S. and increase the ranks of their 'cause' with those resisting the assault on their homeland.
Further, until we can manage to increase our diplomatic and humanitarian efforts in these occupations (and in the region our forces are operating) to a level close to the resources and manpower we commit to the military ambitions, we'll never realize any of the goals that Mr. Jones and the administration use as justification for their escalated and continuing occupations.
full transcript: