..... I just tuned in to Washington Journal for a sec. There's a Univ. of Michigan law professor on talking about the future of GM and how it's going to be run. The prof brings up a press release from the government, discussing how they're going to be very hands-off, which the professor thinks is great because it won't be immersed in a nightmare bureaucracy. He excitedly shrieks about how it will be run more efficiently like a financial institution. :wtf: Hel-fucking-lo? What indications have financial institutions given us in the past year that they run efficiently and cost-effectively, without the need for government intervention? But it's that FREE MARKETS, FREE MARKETS koolaid that infects the American mind like a brain-wasting disease. I'm so f**king tired of it..... And this is a law professor from the University of Michigan, not exactly a bastion of conservative ideaology.