Okay, it's officially a contest for who is the craziest Texas Congressman. Up until now Smokin' Joe Barton pretty much held the lead with people wondering if space aliens were eating his brain.
Then out of the blue, Texas Congressvarmint John Culbertson of Houston started trying to explain his libertarianism against his belief that we should check every bed in America at night to make sure that no same-gender people are in one together. About 45 seconds into his explanation, little spittle things began to form at the edges of his mouth and the most astounding words came tumbling out.
You can read the whole transcript here, but here's the highlight ---
Well under the 10th amendment, the states have a first responsibility for providing for public safety, public health, public morality. All issues that just affect the people within that state. It’s up to the states. And you either follow the constitution or you don’t. <...>
Federal law cannot permit — if one state, Vermont, wants to do that, you can’t let that cross state lines. You’ve got to let — frankly, a lot of these issues have got to be left up to the states. But the federal government cannot permit for example — The federal government has a legitimate role in interstate commerce. And that’s where the federal government comes in. I think the federal government can’t recognize — shouldn’t recognize it, it’s just a bad idea. And uh — But fundamentally, the right of privacy’s fundamental. I’m not interested — what people do at home’s their own business.
I am holding the 10th amendment in my hand right now and nowhere, nada, no way does it say anything whatsodamnever about the states regulating morality. And thank God for that! Can you even imagine Rick Perry regulating morality in Texas? And the Texas Lege? Good Lord, whorehouses in Calcutta are more moral than the Lege. That's a scientific fact.
By the way, I included the second paragraph because my personal opinion is that he was drunk or that the cabbage people took over his thinking mechanism.
Joe Barton - the ball is in your court.