If only the GOP would heed this advice?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/29/opinion/l29republicans.html?ref=opinionWhat the G.O.P. Could Do
To the Editor:
Re “Guantánamo Hands G.O.P. a Wedge Issue” (front page, May 24):
If the Republican Party discontinued its destructive efforts to undercut the administration and applied its energies to the vastly more difficult task of solving the very complicated issues the country faces, it might in the process resolve some of its own problems.
I believe that most Americans would feel a bit more positive about a party that put the well-being of the country and all its citizens ahead of its concerns about regaining power, particularly when a significant portion of responsibility for the existence of these problems may be laid at the doorstep of said party.
Glenina Nolte
Ann Arbor, Mich., May 24, 2009